Natural medicine views allergies as a result of the patient’s weakened immune system. Natural treatment focuses on improving the immune system, allowing the body to better differentiate between what is dangerous and what is inert. Here are some natural treatment ideas:

Avoid Sugar and Refined Grains
80% of your immune system is housed in your gut. Insult to the environment of the gut acts as an insult to the immune system, resulting most often in allergies. The largest insults to the gut are sugar and refined grains. Sugar and refined grains sway the natural balance of healthy bacteria and yeast. This reduces the production of healthy immune-boosting products by the healthy bacteria and reduces the immune system’s effectiveness.

L-glutamine is a key supplement for healing the gut and improving the immune system. L-glutamine is an amino acid that is widely used by the immune system as a fuel source. It can help boost the immune system during times of stress and prevent it from becoming weak and ineffective.

A lack of sleep will also act as an insult on the immune system. A lack of sleep is not only about the amount of time you are sleeping. It is also about the quality of your sleep. The best quality of sleep occurs daily between 10:30pm-2:00am. This time of the day correlates with release of serotonin by bacteria in the gut and allows for the de-stressing and renewing of the brain. This reduction of stress keeps the immune system functional and healthy. L-glutamine has one added benefit in that it can aid in improving sleep.

Controlled Repeated Exposure
The immune system is made up of soldiers, and soldiers have to be trained. Our society, which so often focuses on staying clean and sterile, does not allow for training of our immune soldiers. Repeated exposure to inert substances like soil, pollen, and innocuous bacteria can improve the fighting capabilities of the immune system. Working outdoors in the soil and introducing natural unprocessed honey to the body are two ways to train the immune system. Natural unprocessed honey has been filtered but not heated or pasteurized. If it is produced with in a 25-mile radius of your home, it will contain local pollen and act as a natural “allergy shot.” This will desensitize the immune system, while allowing it to train by capturing and eliminating the pollen.

Reduce Allergens in the Home
Reducing allergens brought into the home is easily accomplished by a few simple steps. After working in the yard, take off your work clothes and immediately put them into a plastic bag or into the washer. Take a shower right away, and wash the pollen out of the hair and off the body. Use a Netti-Pot to flush allergens out of the sinuses and help to reduce any inflammation in the eyes and nose. This can also reduce the probability of a prolonged allergy attack becoming a sinus infection.

Olive Leaf
Olive leaf extract is known as nature’s best antibiotic. It not only can help to kill bacteria, it can also improve the body’s immune attack on foreign substances. Taken at the initial onset of symptoms, olive leaf extract can shorten the lifespan of an infection. Taking olive leaf during allergy season can help the immune system become stronger and reduce the likelihood of future problems.

Free Class
For more on this topic, we invite you to our free “When Allergies Attack” class at

[CORE] Chiropractic and Wellness Thursday, March 28, at 6:00pm. Our office is located in Downtown Roanoke. Space is limited.  Email us to reserve your spot.



Dr. Daryl C. Rich, D.C., C.S.C.S