Don’t leave these supplements at home if you are traveling in the near future. Many people struggle with keeping healthy when they travel. The stress of traveling, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and the exposure to foreign bacteria and viruses leave us susceptible to illness during travel. We put together a list of the must-have supplements and essential oils to take with you if you are going away soon. If you are going to a island resort, mountain-top getaway, or even just to Grandma’s house, you will not want to leave these in the medicine cabinet at home. Since we get asked this question a lot in our office, we thought we would share this information with everyone.
Olive Leaf Extract
Used for centuries to disrupt the replication process of foreign bacteria and viruses, Olive leaf extract is a must for a traveler. Traveling decreases your immune system’s ability to fight off foreign invaders but Olive Leaf Extract can help to reduce this phenomenon. I have recommended Olive Leaf to many grandparents on their way to spend time with the little grandkids. The resulting decrease of those grandparents returning home sick has been impressive. Take 3-4 capsules 2 times a day while you are traveling and for 3 days after your return home. If you are feeling well discontinue and keep the rest of the bottle for the next trip.
L-glutamine is the powerful amino acid that has many uses for the traveler. One of glutamine’s most well studied effects is its ability to close the permeability of the stomach lining. This is great for those prone to food poisoning or food sensitivities. If you are used to the traveler’s digestive problems try a mega-dose of L-glutamine while traveling. Some practitioners recommend up to 80g of L-glutamine when traveling but I think that could be a bit aggressive. Try taking 20g of L-glutamine if you normally suffer with digestive problems when traveling. That is 4-5 level spoonfuls of a high quality L-glutamine powder. L-glutamine also feeds your immune cells providing a boost to their functionality. If you generally come back home with a cold or other bug try taking the mega dose of L-glutamine while on your trip. Hopefully, it will keep you bringing home souvenirs from your trip and nothing else.
Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is a wonderful addition to the suitcase for those who struggle to fall asleep when traveling. Lavender is well known for its ability to decrease anxiety and aid restful sleep. Just a couple of drops on the edge of your pillow can be all you need for a great night’s sleep. Place a couple of drops around the bottom of the shower and take a hot relaxing shower/bath before you go to bed to add an additional relaxing moment to your vacation.
Nature’s Shield Oil
Nature’s Shield oil is widely used to kill unwanted bacteria or viruses. This oil can be diffused in a portable oil diffuser beside your bed at night or in the car. You might also want to place a couple of drops on a warm washcloth to wipe down any surface that you fear was not sufficiently cleaned. Clean the countertops in the bathroom, the toilet seat, or even the television remote with this oil for an added layer of protection while on your trip.
Ginger Oil
Ginger is helpful for reducing nausea related to motion sickness. A couple of drops from this oil can be placed in some water and ingested to reduce the upset stomach from a bumpy flight or curvy road.
Melatonin is a well known supplement for helping you to sleep but many do not know when or how to take it. Melatonin works best for short term sleep problems such as jet lag as it helps to reset your natural circadian rhythm. Melatonin is not designed for long term use and should be discontinued after 14 days of use. 2-5mg of melatonin is helpful for most people. If you find that melatonin is not working for you, do not take more. Try taking GABA as a way for helping you to relax and drift off to sleep.
GR8 Dophilus
GR8 Dophilus is a supplemental probiotic. Probiotics are great to take while traveling to prevent unwanted exposure to foreign bacteria. Probiotics can crowd out a more deleterious gut bacteria and prevent an unpleasant night in someone else’s bathroom. If your stomach struggles digesting new foods, GR8 Dophilus could be a blessing to your colon. Try taking 1 capsule with each meal while you are away and for the following 5 days after your return.
Traveling is never easy but if you leave a little extra room in your suitcase for these supplements it might just get easier. Stop in our office between now and August 31 to receive 10% off all travel supplements!
Enjoy your next trip, and don’t forget your chiropractic adjustment as soon as you get back home to the Roanoke area!
Coming SOON! [LivFit] Seminar Fall 2017
The new [LivFit] is packed full of new content to help you reach optimal health! Only $42! It’s happening Thursdays, September 28, October 5 & 12, at 6pm. You can still take advantage of the Early Bird Special: Register by August 31 to bring a friend for half price! Visit our [LivFit] page for more information.
Daryl C. Rich, D.C., C.S.C.S., D.C.