This is a wonderful time of year, but it also usually includes stress, a seasonal decrease in vitamin D production, and the temptation to overindulge in sweets. What can you do to safeguard your emotional and physical health this Christmas? Here is more information on the 10 stress-busting tips we shared in our previous blog post.

Lighten the Christmas Blues
1. Exercise Some
If the blues have you all wrapped up, exercise can be one of your best allies. Mild to moderate depression can be alleviated with exercise alone. Exercise has been described as the most effective and underutilized medication in the world. It’s one of the best kept secrets for treating depression. Over-exercising can also create unwanted stress, so during the holiday season keep your exercise short, focused, and consistent.

2. Reduce Sugar & Alcohol
Optimizing your diet is clearly another important step to address the emotional aspects of the blues and to keep your immune system going strong. Reducing sugar intake from processed foods and alcohol can be a difficult but worthy endeavor to help do both. Although you may believe it’ll wipe away the bad feelings for awhile, alcohol is actually a depressant, which can make you feel even worse than you did before.

3. Intake Vitamin D & Omega-3 Fats
Optimizing your Vitamin D levels and making sure you’re getting enough omega-3 fats can improve your production of serotonin. This important chemical helps regulate deep sleep, happiness, and proper digestion. If you find these areas are not working correctly then try adding 8,000 i.u. of Vitamin D3 to your daily supplementation.

Reduce Holiday Stress
1. Use a Budget
Overspending during this time is a major source of stress for many. Vow not to spend beyond your means. Set a holiday budget, and stick to it. Going into debt to buy gifts, decorations and lavish amounts of food is the perfect recipe for a guilt-ridden, unhappy New Year. My best recommendation is to indulge your creativity instead. Websites like Pinterest can be a great source of economical gift ideas that can be created at home for just pennies.

2. Learn to Say “No”
Another way to reduce stress is learn the art of saying “No.” It really is okay to take special time for yourself. Between all the parties, family gatherings, and other social events, your schedule can really start to feel squeezed. Learning to say “no” can help you give some margin for yourself. If the holidays have you feeling down, indulge in the quiet activities that make you feel happy, and reduce the obligations to always be somewhere.

3. GABA and 5-HTP
GABA and 5-HTP are two supplements that are used to help support a positive attitude. For those who get anxious and have a difficult time falling asleep because of the “internal noise” of the brain, GABA can be an awesome aid. This neurotransmitter can have a great calming effect allowing for a good night of rest and relaxed day. 5-HTP is a mood supporter that diminishes the frustrated outbursts and the depressive lows that are common with stress. This precursor to tryptophan can give a similar response to eating a lot of turkey without the needed nap. This is a great supplement for everyday use.

3. Give to Others
Helping those who are in need is one of the best ways to alleviate stress during the holidays. My family loves to support a local charity with a worldwide influence. Global Partners for Peace and Development ( is a local charity founded here in Roanoke that supports orphans, widows, and refugees around the world. Working in some of the poorest communities in India, Haiti, Slovakia, and Jordan, GPPD has a heart for the downtrodden.

GPPD also takes local people like you and me on short-term mission trips to provide medical, spiritual, and physical care for those in need. A couple of years ago our family had the opportunity to go to Haiti and serve orphans and the poorest of the poor. This life-changing week has continued to help us have a heart for those who need help the most.

We ask those who are able to consider sponsoring an Indian orphan through GPPD this year. Others can give a one-time gift of a goat or sewing machine for a needy family looking for income. Perhaps you could provide a meal, clothes, or a Bible for a child who has nothing. Any gift of any size is greatly appreciated and will really help you to keep your focus on the reason for the Christmas season.

4. Find the Real Reason for the Season
The absolute best way to reduce your stress is to make a concerted effort to realign the focus of the holiday to reflect its spiritual message rather than the commercial one. You may need to discuss how you and your family will do this, as it can take many forms depending on your beliefs. Find time to understand the real reason of Christmas and God’s gift for your life, and take the time to share this message with your children, young and old.. Understanding God’s love for you is the best way to reduce your stress, knowing that He has a plan for you, your family, and this crazy world.

From all of us at

[CORE] Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we will you a merry Christmas!


Daryl Rich, DC, CSCS