Thank You!
As 2019 draws to a close, we want to say thank you for your loyal support of our office and the kindness that you have shown us this year. Our mission statement at [CORE] is to see the Roanoke Valley become healthier than it has ever been, and with your help we are seeing that happen each day. As we look forward to 2020, we are excited to see this goal become more of a reality.
[CORE] Cares
If you have been a patient at [CORE] for awhile, you may have seen that each year we pick a charity or cause in which to donate. In years past, we have dug several water wells in India with Global Partners in Peace and Development. We had a diaper and wipes drive for the Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center. The past few years we have had ornaments on our Christmas tree to purchase school and household items for children in Haiti through Until The Whole World Knows. It has been so exciting to see how our patients have responded in giving to these wonderful causes.
This year we are looking closer to home and have chosen Straight Street and Street Ransom to be our focus. These ministries are based in Downtown Roanoke and led by Keith Farmer. I have known Keith for over 10 years and am continually impressed by his leadership and humility. Straight Street has several ministries including opening its doors to the youth of Roanoke each Saturday night. This year we are collecting items for Straight Street’s Parent Life Ministry and funds for Street Ransom. These two ministries are at the heart of Straight Street.
Straight Street’s Parent Life Ministry
The Parent Life Ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children. They do this by intentional relationships with trained adults and community partnership. They empower the teens to make good choices, and encourage them to further their education and move toward independent living. The ministry desires all to become life-long followers of Jesus Christ.
This year we have ornament tags on our Christmas tree for diapers and baby wipes. We also have tags for hats, gloves, and toiletry items for the mothers. We are asking patients who are interested in taking a tag to return the items to the office and place them in our collection box. Your help can make this Christmas a bit more special for a mom and a young child.
Straight Street’s Street Ransom Ministry 
Street Ransom was founded as an extension of Straight Street to bring awareness to sex trafficking and to provide services for survivors. After learning about the prevalence of this issue and the need for survivor care, Straight Street was moved to action. In 2014, Straight Street formed Street Ransom in order to meet the need in our community. The centerpiece of Street Ransom has been the development of an emergency shelter for female human trafficking victims younger than the age of 18.
Street Ransom is patiently waiting to open this much needed shelter while it builds an operational endowment. Street Ransom hopes to be able to complete this endowment and open the shelter as soon as possible. You have the opportunity to help make that happen! Our office Christmas tree has donation envelopes on the tree for anyone who would like to help see this shelter for young women become a sanctuary for health and healing.
To learn more about Straight Street or its Parent Life and Street Ransom ministries check out their websites at and
Don’t forget! Now through the end of December, we are running 15% off supplements, pillows, diffusers, essential oils, CBD products, and foam rollers. AM and PM blends are excluded.
Daryl C. Rich, D.C., C.S.C.S.