In this blog post, we’re providing an example of one of our

[LivFit] workout routines to be used during the 30-Day [CORE] Challenge. Keep in mind, we can tailor this kind of routine to any age, health, and fitness level.

Side Plank
Lay on your side with your elbow on the floor under your shoulder. Raise your hips up off the floor, either with your knees bent or off of your feet. Hold in the up position for seven seconds, return to the floor, and rest for two seconds. Repeat for 30 seconds on each side.

Begin in a shoulder-wide stance. Quickly move in to a squat and crouching position with your hands on the floor. Kick your feet back in to a push up position and perform a push up. Bring your legs in together at the same time back in to the crouching position. Explode up and jump as high as you can and land in the same shoulder-wide stance. This completes one repetition. Repeat as fast as you can.

Mountain Climbers
This exercise requires you to go from four contact points to three contact points. Assume a standard push-up position on the floor, arms fully extended (up-position) and legs extended straight back, with the feet approximately 8-12 inches apart. Hips and shoulders should be aligned so that your back is parallel with the floor. Brace your abdominals as you bring your right knee forward towards the right elbow, keeping the foot close to the ground, but don’t allow it to touch the floor. Extend the leg back to the start position and repeat on the opposite side, bringing the left knee forwards and towards the left elbow. Return to the start position and repeat, alternating right and left until all repetitions have been performed.

Renegade Row
From a push-up position with kettlebells/dumbells under your hands, pull the weight up to your chest. Slowly return the weight back to the ground, repeat with the other side. You will find this exercise easier if you spread your legs wider than a normal push-up position.

Kettlebell Swing
Grasping your kettlebell by the handles with both hands, stand straight with feet about shoulder-width apart. Bending your knees slightly, keeping your back straight, lower the kettlebell between the legs. Keep your arms straight and swing the weight forward a little, then swing it back between your legs. As the kettlebell swings forward, your hips should be forward and your legs should be straight. When the kettlebell swings back between your legs, your knees should be bent and your buttocks should be back. Move the kettlebell using power thrusts from the hip, thigh, and lower back muscles.

Each of these exercises would be performed for 30 seconds as rapidly as possible. After each 30-second interval you would progress to the next exercise until all have been performed. A 30-second rest interval can be placed after each circuit before beginning again. When performed with a high rate of intensity, 15 minutes of these exercises should be exhausting.

30-Day [CORE] Challenge
We are challenging our patients to join us August 28 at 6:00pm in our Downtown Roanoke office for the start of our 30-Day Challenge. We will instruct each individual in a workout that fits his or her fitness level. Then we are challenging each patient to perform just 15 minutes of exercise each day for 30 days. Participants will check in with us weekly via email on their progress. Those who complete the 30-Day [CORE] Challenge will receive a free pass to our next [LivFit] seminar scheduled to begin October 10. Watch for more details. Registration for the 30-Day [CORE] Challenge Class and the [LivFit] Seminar is required, and space is limited. Call or email us to reserve your spot.



Dr. Daryl Rich, DC, CSCS